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Reloveution's Special Sauce


A few weeks ago, during a quite wonderful conversation, a Human Resources executive threw her arms up in exasperation and shared, "We have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on consultants in the last decade and NOTHING has worked in the long-term." She then asked what makes Reloveution different. The magic question.

I smiled at her, acknowledged her frustration, and explained why our services produce truly sustainable results for businesses and the human beings that embody them. There are many reasons why the work we do is special, and there are three components I want to share with you that you can explore more deeply with or without Reloveution's help (though I do hope you'll reach out!):

  1. Antibiotics Not Band-Aids. Our tools and strategies are designed to listen, assess, diagnose, treat, and HEAL workplace infections/diseases with antibiotics and holistic medicine rather than with band-aids or painkillers. We believe in benefits over perks, and systemic transformation over one-time interventions. We know that sustainable change requires treating more than symptoms and that true recovery and healing requires a deep, comprehensive, transcendent and CUSTOMIZED approach.

  2. Soil & Roots Not Fruit & Flowers. When working with our partners, we know that there is more than what meets the eye, and that meaningful change requires getting to the roots of challenges and going even further to examine and restore the soil in which our challenges (and successes!) grow. If we're planting seeds in soil riddled with pesticides (scarcity-mindsets, implicit bias, fear, etc.), the overall and long-term health of our plants will be impacted. This approach can take longer, is often uncomfortable, and always yields sweeter fruit season after season.

  3. Integrated, Reciprocal & Responsive Interventions. Each of our services and programs is intentionally designed to touch every part of your workplace, integrating ALL four of our principal domains of intervention: Individuals, Leadership, Community & Systems (pictured below). We know that ignoring, neglecting, or soley focusing on any domain diminishes returns and leads to problems down the line. Therefore, we work with our partners to identify focus areas without neglecting the other important and interconnected parts of the business.

Why is this more comprehensive and integrated approach needed?

  • If we don't intervene with individual contributors, we see unprepared employees who are often disengaged, complacent, untrusting of leadership, and resentful of colleagues. We also see high turnover--40% of staff with poor training leave their jobs within the first year!

  • If we only intervene with individual contributors, employees have a tendency to ask, "Why me and not them?" and can feel stuck because they are unable to use their training, skills, or expertise within the work environment given poor leadership or broken systems.

  • If we don't intervene with leaders and managers, we see unmotivated, uninspired, and uncommitted employees. These workplaces might have a strong mission or goals but don't have alignment or shared direction between people or departments because leaders and managers serve as the GPS for achieving goals and maximizing efficiency. We also might see high turnover because people leave bad/unprepared/ineffective bosses!

  • If we only intervene with leaders and managers, we create environments primed for "us vs. them" conflict, with employees resenting higher-ups who seem to get all of the attention and resources. We might hear complaints about lack of transparency because decisions are being made behind closed doors and without attention to the larger people ecosystem. It is also difficult to practice succession planning because we are not priming or preparing the next generation of talent.

  • If we don't intervene on the community level, workplaces become breeding grounds for rampant individualism, competition, and interpersonal conflict. Relationships, when they exist, aren't strong and are often superficial, and people frequently feel pulled in different or competing directions because there is lack of alignment and shared values. When we don't focus on community, there is also a higher likelihood that the workplace will suffer from challenges related to equity, inclusion, and belonging.

  • If we only intervene on the community level, we end up with people who really like each other and who are passionate/excited about the work and workplace without having pathways to success in their roles or responsibilities. Over time, employees become annoyed by values that they believe in but that are largely symbolic and do not transcend leadership and systems. When we have strong communities but leadership is inadequate, systems are inefficient, and people aren't actually prepared for their roles, happy hours are generally well-attended but people aren't actually happy!

  • If we don't intervene with systems, policies, and processes, workplaces are disorganized, inefficient, confusing, and at high risk for harmful dynamics like nepotism, favoritism, and unconscious bias. Results are random, efforts may be duplicated, and people make more mistakes that aren't caught. You can have the best leaders and most skilled employees on earth, but if the systems aren't designed to support them, the end result will always be subpar.

  • If we only intervene with systems, policies, and processes, we see workplaces where human beings don't feel seen, heard, valued, or connected. In these cases, we hear complaints about micromanagement, bureaucracy, and red tape, and employees wonder if they are dispensable (and sometimes they are). Workplaces that focus too heavily in this domain will often see an unreasonable number of emails/communications and have a tendency to be spreadsheet-happy. These are the most dehumanized of workplaces.

Which of these conditions do you see, feel, or experience in your work environment?

How do these dynamics impact your work or the work of your colleagues?

How might a more integrated and reciprocal approach benefit your team or company?


If you're intrigued by, curious about, or ready to utilize Reloveution's approach to transforming workplaces for good, there are THREE ways to get more right now.

OR if you're feeling adventurous and ready to jump right in...

OR if you're looking to learn more in a more passive way to start...



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